Saturday, October 2, 2010

A beautiful day in Annapolis

Today it was bright sunshine, a little cool but a beauty.  this morning I walked around town and took a few pictures.  This afternoon My friend Greg Dennery came on board.  It was our intention to sail to St. Michaels today but the weather tomorrow promised rain and winds gusting to 30 MPH.  We spent the afternoon watching the boats go up and down the creek.  We did have a few adult beverages to keep hydrated!  I also repaired a leak I had in the through hull fitting that drains the cockpit.

The pictures are as follows:  The top pic is the Charles Carroll house with St Marys church's steeple behind,  Candy and I were married there.  The next picture is for Paul's benefit!  The third one is Sean's almamater I understand that the schools athletic department is trying to get the NCAA to sanction "Full Contact Chess"!  The next one is the State Capital building. The last picture is the boat anchored in Spa Creek.

1 comment:

  1. Oh; come on, no history lesson! Charles Carroll of The Declaration of Independence fame and where the priests reside. Not visible but still
    important, Francis Scott Key's home where the nuns used to reside. That rum bar is new! Good old St. John's where the "St. Johnnies" went directly across from the Navel about contrast. Then the capital dome. The only dome held together with wooden pegs and the building that served as the Unites States Capital and where George Washington resigned his commission. And finally "THE BOAT". Gregory's dream paradise.
