Thursday, October 28, 2010

Little River, SC to Georgetown, SC

On Wednesday we got under way at 11:00 AM.  We had a wonderful time at the Baty's.  Vicki treated us royally.  We had a wonderful home cooked meal, great conversation, did our laundry, watched "Dancing With The Stars" and slept in a real bed!  In the morning we did some grocery shopping and were on our way.  The first picture is of the narrow river. The next is a real curious one, Gondolas going over the river!  I don't know why but I could not resist taking the picture.

I took the next two farther down the river of this house over looking the ICW and then the bridge.  The significance of the two is that the bridge was a private bridge to access the exclusive neighborhood, just like Brian's and my neighborhood's in Weymouth!

We stopped for the night just off the ICW up a little creek in the middle of nowhere.  The boat just stayed side ways to the wind with the current opposed, it was odd but safe.  This morning I changed the oil in the outboard motor, I have been doing that every 500 miles.  Our trip today to Georgetown was only 20 miles.  The next picture is of an abandon rice field.  This area of South Carolina at one time produced over half of rice consumed in the states.  Then I have a few pictures coming into Georgetown.

This afternoon we had a nice lunch at a waterfront restaurant, no Guinness so I had to settle with a Red Stripe.  After that we took a tour of this historic house.  It was a gift to his daughter and it came with 32 slaves.  The last picture is Candy wishing she lived in a different time!


1 comment:

  1. The gondolas are there to get you to the golf course on the mainland side of the ICW. Our sailboat's mast just barely made it below the gondolas. They set them up at just about 70 feet. Scary. M. Beach I think.
