Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summit to Havre De Grace MD

Being Sunday I took my time this morning.  I prepared my usual Sunday morning breakfast of bacon and eggs and fresh brewed coffee.  The marina had great showers so I took advantage.  I didn't get off until 11:30 AM.  As luck would have it, I had the current with me all the way to Turkey Point in Maryland.  My destination today was Havre De Grace.  I was able to get a slip in the city marina, very inexpensive, only a dollar per foot. The first pic is of my boat in the marina, the second is of the Concord point Light House, the oldest light house in continuous use in the United States built in 1827.  I ended my day at an Irish Pub for a few Guinness and a great Blue cheese burger.  I sat next an interesting gentleman that  is a retired Nuclear Engineer that still does consulting. A very nice evening.


  1. Greg,
    You are making great progress and apparently the weather has cooperated all the way (no rain), except for some headwinds. Though considering you are already in Maryland, one would think you were sailing downwind all the way. The photos are great, keep them coming.


  2. Hey, You're not too far away from the Aberdeen Proving ground. Keep your head low and stow the USN flag until you get to Annapolis!

  3. Great pics. I'm enjoying your trip although I would rather be joining you.
    Of all the pics from the boat I haven't seen the main flying, just the jib occasionally. You must be keeping the Arabs in the oil business.
    Peter S.

  4. Greg,

    The Flying Dutchman has nothing on you. I couldn't have driven to Maryland that fast. How long will you be in Annapolis? I love the photos and the narrative. Sail on. Bri

  5. Greg

    You'll be back long before you planed at this rate. Loved the pic of the light house.
