Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ICW New Jersey

Today it blew strong from the south west so I opted to take the inside route, the New Jersey ICW.  It was fun and different.  I passed under 7 bridges 5 of which were draw bridges.  All I had to do is give them a call on my VHF radio when I got close.  It is kind of cool to know my boat has priority over all the cars and trucks that had to stop just to let me pass through.  Tonight I am on the "hook" behind Fish Island, it is just a small salt marsh inside Little Egg Inlet.  I can see the lights of Atlantic City from here.  I think it is about 10 miles from here.  There is one other boat here with me.

Thank you all for the comments, I enjoy reading them.  Sean said I need to slow down.  I hate to admit, he is right!  I need to get on "Island Time"  It is hard to believe that I left Harwich Port one week ago and I am half way down the New Jersey coast.

Sorry I have no pictures from today.  I am in a week signal area so they would not load.


  1. I agree with Sean. Stop and smell the seaweed!

  2. Greg,
    I am posting your photo from 9/18 on my "wall of inspiration" at home! The look on your face says it all. I'm eating my heart out in Pod A as I write this.

    Bravo Sir!
