Monday, November 1, 2010

Beaufort, SC to Isle of Hope, GA

We I finally did it!  I ran aground this morning, completely my fault.  When we left the dock I didn't check the charts or the GPS so about 1/4 mile from the docks we hit the mud on a falling tide!  Luckily I was able to power off.  Our first sight seeing venture of the day was Parris Island, it is on the ICW.

Our next site was Hilton Head, SC .  I know it is a real nice place, however you can't see much from the ICW.

We had a lot of twist and turns today but finally made it to the Savannah River and crossed into Georgia.  But we had to wait for this baby to pass by before we crossed the Savannah.

It was a nice sunny day so the Captain and First Mate dressed for the weather.

The last picture is of the cemetery that has the grave stone that was used for the jacket cover for the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"  Now that is what I would file under an obscure tid-bit.  I did read the book but I didn't see the movie.  Candy and I did take the tour in Savannah that included the cemetery, it was around the time the movie came out. Little did I know that I would be cruising down the ICW in my boat that went right by the infamous cemetery!



  1. Gregg, envy you for being able to wear the warm weather gear but you labeled the pictures wrong. It should have been "first mate and captain" We know the truth!
    That cemetery looks like the perfect place to spend Halloween. Hope you were there at midnight.

  2. Greg & Candie,
    We're off to Hawaii tomorrow morning via the left coast overnight to see Jeremy. We come back Dec. 3rd.
    I'm bringing my laptop so I will continue to follow the Kelly adventure.
    If you're going to run aground be sure to pick a muddy bottom. Its much easier on the keel and rudder...nice job.

  3. Wouldn't be a ICW trip if you didn't run aground.
