First Mate again! No pictures because we haven't been anywhere with the weather we have been having. Let me paint you a picture. A severe thunderstorm complete with electrifying lightening and high decimal claps and throw in some wind. The boat actually tremored and you could feel everything. Even closing my eyes I could see "light". At some points I wasn't sure if it was THE LIGHT! I wasn't ready to go just yet; I need to get to Key West. So we have stayed in Marathon at Boot Key for yet another day and hopefully on Friday we can move on. It is cooler today but not as cold as I understnd it is on Cape Cod. I will be so excited to hear on the weather radio something other than "heavy chop". We'll start to provision the boat again with water, fuel and an empty porta-potty. Maybe a pot of beef stew and cornbread for dinner. Sounds like a real sailor's delight!
Good Luck today! You're almost there!